Energy and B Vitamins Intake in Elderly Population under Health Care in Isfahan, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Student Research Committee, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: B vitamins are essential nutrients to maintain body health. These water soluble vitamins are critical co-enzymes in different cycles. Also, the intake of an adequate energy in elderly contributes to more ability to perform daily activities. This study aims at assessing the energy and water-soluble vitamins intake in elderly population under health care in Isfahan, Iran.
Methods: One hundred and fifty two old men and women (82 were under health care in Ghadir Elderly Care Center, Isfahan, Iran and 70 without health care) were enrolled in a case-control study. Food frequency questionnaire (168 items) was used for dietary intake assessment and N4 software for analysis of food content of the used diet.
Results: The intake of energy was significantly higher in the elderly population under health care than those without health care (p=0.038). Also, after adjustion of variables for energy and B vitamins, B1 and B9 vitamins were higher in case group when compared to the control group (p=0.032, p=0.012), respectively.
Conclusion: Old population in elderly centers had desirable levels of vitamins B1 and B9 and also energy intake denoting to the high health cares in the health centers.
